
Results 1-3 of 23 for Raymond Van Dyke.

eBay Ruling Puts Patent Rights Under the Microscope

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of eBay in a longstanding patent dispute with MercExchange. In particular, the Court reversed the appeals court's interpretation regarding the granting of an injunction in a patent infringement suit. For well over a hundred years, patentees, in additi...


BlackBerries, Patents and the Public Good

As the recent BlackBerry case focused the world's eyes on the arcane field of patents, I was reminded of the 1999 "one click" case, which caused so many to condemn the U.S. patent system. At that time, critics called the system "broken" and a "disincentive to innovation." Now, the system ...

BlackBerry Blues Riff Keeps on Playing

I admit it, I've got a problem. Smaller than a wallet, this little black box comprises my phone and Internet connection, sending a continuous stream of e-mail and news. It wakes me to the tinny sound of "El Toreador" or "The Entertainer," automatically adjusting to the local time zone. My wife calls...

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